Welcome to the
Weight Science Snack Pack!
This course was developed from a session presented at the awesome Body Talks FEASTival of Anti-Diet Ideas.
This course follows the same learning plan as the Body Talks presentation and uses the same presentations slides. I have re-recorded the audio sections and taken a little more time to discuss each one than I was able to in the Body Talks recording.
First, you will be introduced to the four weight science 'snacks' that will be explored during the course. These four 'snacks' are common foundational myths, upon which are built many stigmatising, prejudicial and just plain wrong beliefs. Being able to pick apart these myths confidently will help you in advocating for a fair go for yourself and others.
Next, across four parts, each snack is dissected, with examples and discussion of the implications of each myth persisting. The references and inks to the research presented are included in each section.
Finally, I summarise the take home messages. A quiz has been added if you would like to test your knowledge, or use this course as professional development (depending on your ongoing credentialing requirements). If you pass the quiz, you'll even be issued with a Certificate of Completion.
Remember to check out the other course offerings from Health, Not Diets if you want to extend your knowledge further.
Thank you for your interest in size inclusivity and unpacking weight science!
Example Curriculum
About the course developer,
Dr Fiona Willer, AdvAPD, PhD
How do you know that I know what I'm doing with professional development materials? I've been a university lecturer for 15 years, have facilitated professional development workshops for health professionals for 10 years and am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). My professional development business, Health Not Diets, is a recognised provider of employment-related training by the Queensland Department of Education and Training. I'm also an Advanced Accredited Practising Dietitian (AdvAPD) with Dietitians Australia so you can be sure that I really know my stuff.
Professional development offerings from Health, Not Diets
'Pod Courses' turn the Unpacking Weight Science Podcast into bite-sized, assessed professional development
Here's the most economical way to access the Pod Courses! Each Pod Course is equivalent to at least one hour of professional development. Click on the bundles to see which Pod Courses are included.